How to Use my Photos Correctly?

To use my photos properly, you must:

  1. Obtain my prior authorization. I can provide you with the conditions and possibly set a price.
  2. Mention my name as the photographer on or near the photo in a legible manner. This is a legal requirement, even if you pay for the photo.
  3. Use the photo as is, without modifying or cropping it, unless explicitly authorized by me.

If these conditions are not acceptable to you, simply do not use my photos.

None of my photos are royalty-free or in the public domain. Even if you find some of my photos online, using them is not free without my consent.

Commercial use or use on social media of my photos is always prohibited without my express permission.

“Do I really have to include the photographer’s name?”

Including the photographer’s name with the photo is not a generous gesture on your part, it is a legal requirement (even if you paid for the picture). And if it is not done, that does not imply the photo is free to use. Using a photo without authorization can expose you to legal action.

The only way to know the usage rights is to contact me directly.